31 Jan

Main developments for advancing PET recycling identified in a new study

New figures for collection, capacity and production for 2020 show growth in all measured factors, indicating a steady move towards circularity of the PET industry in Europe. A significant increase, of 21% is observed in the recycling market in particular.

Increase concerns trays, sheets and plastic bottles. Driven by producers’ pledges, who have made a range of commitments and goals to incorporate recycled content within their bottles, and with the mandatory recycled content targets – the share of food-grade rPET in PET beverage bottle production is set to continue to grow. Converted PET is also used for fiber (24%), tape (8%) and injection molding (1%), and other applications (2%).

In addition, 19 EU member states will have deposit schemes (DRS) for PET bottles by 2025, the report says. Currently, the seven EU member states that have introduced DRS achieve sorting rates for recycling of 83% or higher. This means that, as a result of the SUP Directive, the targets have already been met to a large extent and the quantity of waste collected, as well as its quality, is likely to increase significantly in the period up to 2025.

However, there are still some challenges. For example, Europe will need to increase recycling by at least a third by 2029 to achieve the 90% collection rate and mandatory recycled content levels. There is also a need for as much innovation as possible in the industry.

The report is available at: www.plasticsrecyclers.eu Enjoy your reading.