Programme of activity of the Polish Union of Plastics Converters

I. Promotion and support activity

  • To represent interests of the associated companies on the national and European level (entering into structures of EuPC) with respect to the relevant authorities, offices, etc.
  • To exert impact on the content of legal regulations adopted by the Parliament of the Republic of Poland and created after incorporation of the EU directives.
  • To exert impact on amendment of regulations.
  • To inform about the progress of works on the REACH programme regarding production of chemicals and their turnover.
  • To inform about the obligation of marking goods in compliance with the EU standards.
  • To provide information about structural and earmarked funds, protection of intellectual property rights and integrated permits (IPPC Directive).

II. Environmental protection activity

  • To organise national and foreign symposia regarding the issue of environmental protection.
  • To inform about the use of recycled materials, in particular about the parameters conditioning their further use.

III. Information activity

  • To disseminate knowledge about plastic materials and the possibilities of their application. To distribute specialist information among industry companies through the agency of publications, i.e. quarterly magazines and bulletins. An Internet site will be developed where members and groups of entrepreneurs will be informed on an ongoing basis about market novelties, changes in legal provisions, economic data and dates of industry events, such as fairs, conferences, seminars and training sessions. Internet websites may also function as information platforms where there will be constant exchange of information among the members.
  • To reach to all the interested recipients with current information including a list of suppliers, raw materials, semi-finished products and planned seminars.

IV. Shaping positive image of the Polish Union of Plastics Converters

  • To place notices and publications in specialist press on a regular basis.
  • To publish information leaflets.
  • To participate in fairs.
  • To advertise.
  • To organise seminars and symposia.

V. Representative and training activity of the Union

  • To represent the interests of the members during foreign events.
  • To maintain media auspices over Plastpol and to include related fairs under media auspices.
  • To cooperate with Tworzywa Media within the scope of publishing quarterly magazine Tworzywa.
  • To compile and distribute reports about the industry of plastic materials including current data.
  • To organise training sessions and conferences.

VI. Assistance in cost reduction of the Union members

  • To inform about changes in legal provisions, tax and insurance regulations.
  • To provide data regarding development of the economic situation.
  • To make available statistical data regarding not only production volume but also export and trade exchange.
  • To organise “internal” training sessions within the subject matter range determined by the Association.
  • To provide agency services in establishment of trade contacts among manufacturers and customers.